About us

What we do

We ensure compliance with Ontario's Community Safety and Policing Act and its regulations through inspections, investigations, and advisory services.

Our work leverages research, data, and analytics to drive evidence-based actions.

As of April 1, 2024, the Inspector General has unique enforcement authorities and can issue measures and directions that are progressive and based on risk to public safety.

Our functions

The four main operational areas of the Inspectorate of Policing work together to improve policing sector performance.
  • Public complaints and investigations

    We handle certain types of complaints from the public related to compliance with the Community Safety and Policing Act and its regulations by police services and their boards and board members, as well as organizations that employ special constables.
  • Inspections

    We are mandated to perform inspections of police services to ensure compliance with the Community Safety and Policing Act and its regulations. This includes proactive, complaint-based, issue-specific, and thematic inspections.
  • Data intelligence

    We use data, research, and analytics to support and inform our work. We also collaborate directly with Ontario’s public safety sector to promote evidence-informed approaches to improve outcomes and relationships with communities.
  • Liaison, advisory and monitoring services

    We monitor and provide guidance and support to police service boards and police services to help them meet legislated obligations, improve performance, and identify and mitigate local issues before they become critical.