- Complaints
- What to expect
Complaint process
We assess all complaints to determine what actions we may take, such as conducting an investigation or inspection. -
If we determine we do not have the authority to handle your complaint, we may be required to forward it to the appropriate police service, board, or policing oversight body. -
We are committed to fairness by independently conducting investigations and inspections, ensuring our staff involved do not have a conflict of interest, and by basing all decisions and outcomes on the information and evidence reviewed. -
If you file a complaint with us, we will provide you with information about the process and the outcome. If your complaint leads to an inspection, the findings report will be posted on our website.
The Complaint Process
You can submit a complaint through our online form, or by emailing or mailing a completed form to us.
We will confirm in writing that we have received your complaint.
We review complaints to assess the information before determining our next steps.
If we determine we do not have the legislative authority to handle your complaint, we will let you know.
We may also be required to forward it to the appropriate police service, police service board, or policing oversight body, such as the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency or the Special Investigations Unit.
Investigation or Inspection
We will consider all the information and materials you provide, and we may speak to you and any witnesses.
Complaint information may be shared with the person or organization the complaint is about, and they will be asked to respond.
We may also collect additional information or materials related to the complaint.
Some complaints may trigger an inspection of a legislated entity, such as a police service or police service board.
Less formal resolution options may also be considered, depending on the complaint details.
Once an investigation or inspection is complete, we will write a report outlining our findings, which may include recommendations as well as any enforcement measures or directions that the Inspector General makes as a result of the complaint.
We will provide you with information about the outcome of your complaint.
If your complaint leads to an investigation or inspection, a copy of our findings report will be shared with you and the person or organization the complaint is about.Inspection reports will also be posted on our website.
Make a complaint
We handle complaints related to compliance with Ontario's Community Safety and Policing Act and its regulations by police services, police service boards, and organizations that employ special constables.This includes complaints about the provision of adequate and effective policing.
We also handle complaints regarding the conduct of police service board members.